The IntlTimeZone class

(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)


Class synopsis

class IntlTimeZone {
/* Constants */
const int DISPLAY_SHORT = 1;
const int DISPLAY_LONG = 2;
/* Methods */
private __construct()
public static countEquivalentIDs(string $timezoneId): int|false
public static createDefault(): IntlTimeZone
public static createEnumeration(IntlTimeZone|string|int|float|null $countryOrRawOffset = null): IntlIterator|false
public static createTimeZone(string $timezoneId): ?IntlTimeZone
public static createTimeZoneIDEnumeration(int $type, ?string $region = null, ?int $rawOffset = null): IntlIterator|false
public static fromDateTimeZone(DateTimeZone $timezone): ?IntlTimeZone
public static getCanonicalID(string $timezoneId, bool &$isSystemId = null): string|false
public getDisplayName(bool $dst = false, int $style = IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_LONG, ?string $locale = null): string|false
public getDSTSavings(): int
public static getEquivalentID(string $timezoneId, int $offset): string|false
public getErrorCode(): int|false
public getErrorMessage(): string|false
public static getGMT(): IntlTimeZone
public getID(): string|false
public static getIDForWindowsID(string $timezoneId, ?string $region = null): string|false
public getOffset(
    float $timestamp,
    bool $local,
    int &$rawOffset,
    int &$dstOffset
): bool
public getRawOffset(): int
public static getRegion(string $timezoneId): string|false
public static getTZDataVersion(): string|false
public static getUnknown(): IntlTimeZone
public static getWindowsID(string $timezoneId): string|false
public hasSameRules(IntlTimeZone $other): bool
public useDaylightTime(): bool

Predefined Constants



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