
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

curl_setoptSet an option for a cURL transfer


curl_setopt(CurlHandle $handle, int $option, mixed $value): bool

Sets an option on the given cURL session handle.



A cURL handle returned by curl_init().


The CURLOPT_XXX option to set.


The value to be set on option.

value should be a bool for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to Notes
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER true to automatically set the Referer: field in requests where it follows a Location: redirect.
CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION true to mark this as a new cookie "session". It will force libcurl to ignore all cookies it is about to load that are "session cookies" from the previous session. By default, libcurl always stores and loads all cookies, independent if they are session cookies or not. Session cookies are cookies without expiry date and they are meant to be alive and existing for this "session" only.
CURLOPT_CERTINFO true to output SSL certification information to STDERR on secure transfers. Added in cURL 7.19.1. Requires CURLOPT_VERBOSE to be on to have an effect.
CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY true tells the library to perform all the required proxy authentication and connection setup, but no data transfer. This option is implemented for HTTP, SMTP and POP3. Added in 7.15.2.
CURLOPT_CRLF true to convert Unix newlines to CRLF newlines on transfers.
CURLOPT_DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URL true to not allow URLs that include a username. Usernames are allowed by default (0). Added in cURL 7.61.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_DNS_SHUFFLE_ADDRESSES true to shuffle the order of all returned addresses so that they will be used in a random order, when a name is resolved and more than one IP address is returned. This may cause IPv4 to be used before IPv6 or vice versa. Added in cURL 7.60.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_HAPROXYPROTOCOL true to send an HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header at the start of the connection. The default action is not to send this header. Added in cURL 7.60.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION true to enable built-in SSH compression. This is a request, not an order; the server may or may not do it. Added in cURL 7.56.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE true to use a global DNS cache. This option is not thread-safe. It is conditionally enabled by default if PHP is built for non-threaded use (CLI, FCGI, Apache2-Prefork, etc.).
CURLOPT_FAILONERROR true to fail verbosely if the HTTP code returned is greater than or equal to 400. The default behavior is to return the page normally, ignoring the code.
CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART true to enable TLS false start. Added in cURL 7.42.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_FILETIME true to attempt to retrieve the modification date of the remote document. This value can be retrieved using the CURLINFO_FILETIME option with curl_getinfo().
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION true to follow any "Location: " header that the server sends as part of the HTTP header. See also CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS.
CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE true to force the connection to explicitly close when it has finished processing, and not be pooled for reuse.
CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT true to force the use of a new connection instead of a cached one.
CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT true to use EPRT (and LPRT) when doing active FTP downloads. Use false to disable EPRT and LPRT and use PORT only.
CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV true to first try an EPSV command for FTP transfers before reverting back to PASV. Set to false to disable EPSV.
CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS true to create missing directories when an FTP operation encounters a path that currently doesn't exist.
CURLOPT_FTPAPPEND true to append to the remote file instead of overwriting it.
CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY true to disable TCP's Nagle algorithm, which tries to minimize the number of small packets on the network. Available for versions compiled with libcurl 7.11.2 or greater.
CURLOPT_FTPLISTONLY true to only list the names of an FTP directory.
CURLOPT_HEADER true to include the header in the output.
CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true to track the handle's request string. The CURLINFO_ prefix is intentional.
CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED Whether to allow HTTP/0.9 responses. Defaults to false as of libcurl 7.66.0; formerly it defaulted to true. Available since PHP 7.3.15 and 7.4.3, respectively, if built against libcurl >= 7.64.0
CURLOPT_HTTPGET true to reset the HTTP request method to GET. Since GET is the default, this is only necessary if the request method has been changed.
CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL true to tunnel through a given HTTP proxy.
CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING false to get the raw HTTP response body. Available if built against libcurl >= 7.16.2.
CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR true to keep sending the request body if the HTTP code returned is equal to or larger than 300. The default action would be to stop sending and close the stream or connection. Suitable for manual NTLM authentication. Most applications do not need this option. Available as of PHP 7.3.0 if built against libcurl >= 7.51.0.
CURLOPT_MUTE true to be completely silent with regards to the cURL functions. Removed in cURL 7.15.5 (You can use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER instead)
CURLOPT_NETRC true to scan the ~/.netrc file to find a username and password for the remote site that a connection is being established with.
CURLOPT_NOBODY true to exclude the body from the output. Request method is then set to HEAD. Changing this to false does not change it to GET.

true to disable the progress meter for cURL transfers.


PHP automatically sets this option to true, this should only be changed for debugging purposes.

CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL true to ignore any cURL function that causes a signal to be sent to the PHP process. This is turned on by default in multi-threaded SAPIs so timeout options can still be used. Added in cURL 7.10.
CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS true to not handle dot dot sequences. Added in cURL 7.42.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT true to wait for pipelining/multiplexing. Added in cURL 7.43.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_POST true to do a regular HTTP POST. This POST is the normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded kind, most commonly used by HTML forms.
CURLOPT_PUT true to HTTP PUT a file. The file to PUT must be set with CURLOPT_INFILE and CURLOPT_INFILESIZE.
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec() instead of outputting it directly.
CURLOPT_SASL_IR true to enable sending the initial response in the first packet. Added in cURL 7.31.10. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN false to disable ALPN in the SSL handshake (if the SSL backend libcurl is built to use supports it), which can be used to negotiate http2. Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_NPN false to disable NPN in the SSL handshake (if the SSL backend libcurl is built to use supports it), which can be used to negotiate http2. Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER false to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. Alternate certificates to verify against can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option or a certificate directory can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAPATH option. true by default as of cURL 7.10. Default bundle installed as of cURL 7.10.
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS true to verify the certificate's status. Added in cURL 7.41.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER false to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. Alternate certificates to verify against can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option or a certificate directory can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAPATH option. When set to false, the peer certificate verification succeeds regardless. true by default. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD Always true, what disables support for the @ prefix for uploading files in CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, which means that values starting with @ can be safely passed as fields. CURLFile may be used for uploads instead.
CURLOPT_SUPPRESS_CONNECT_HEADERS true to suppress proxy CONNECT response headers from the user callback functions CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION and CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, when CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL is used and a CONNECT request is made. Added in cURL 7.54.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN true to enable TCP Fast Open. Added in cURL 7.49.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONS true to not send TFTP options requests. Added in cURL 7.48.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT true to use ASCII mode for FTP transfers. For LDAP, it retrieves data in plain text instead of HTML. On Windows systems, it will not set STDOUT to binary mode.
CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH true to keep sending the username and password when following locations (using CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION), even when the hostname has changed.
CURLOPT_UPLOAD true to prepare for an upload.
CURLOPT_VERBOSE true to output verbose information. Writes output to STDERR, or the file specified using CURLOPT_STDERR.

value should be an int for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to Notes
CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE The size of the buffer to use for each read. There is no guarantee this request will be fulfilled, however. Added in cURL 7.10.
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS The number of milliseconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely. If libcurl is built to use the standard system name resolver, that portion of the connect will still use full-second resolution for timeouts with a minimum timeout allowed of one second. Added in cURL 7.16.2.
CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to keep DNS entries in memory. This option is set to 120 (2 minutes) by default.
CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS The timeout for Expect: 100-continue responses in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000 milliseconds. Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_HAPPY_EYEBALLS_TIMEOUT_MS Head start for ipv6 for the happy eyeballs algorithm. Happy eyeballs attempts to connect to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for dual-stack hosts, preferring IPv6 first for timeout milliseconds. Defaults to CURL_HET_DEFAULT, which is currently 200 milliseconds. Added in cURL 7.59.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH The FTP authentication method (when is activated): CURLFTPAUTH_SSL (try SSL first), CURLFTPAUTH_TLS (try TLS first), or CURLFTPAUTH_DEFAULT (let cURL decide). Added in cURL 7.12.2.
CURLOPT_HEADEROPT How to deal with headers. One of the following constants: CURLHEADER_UNIFIED: the headers specified in CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER will be used in requests both to servers and proxies. With this option enabled, CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER will not have any effect. CURLHEADER_SEPARATE: makes CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers only get sent to a server and not to a proxy. Proxy headers must be set with CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER to get used. Note that if a non-CONNECT request is sent to a proxy, libcurl will send both server headers and proxy headers. When doing CONNECT, libcurl will send CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER headers only to the proxy and then CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers only to the server. Defaults to CURLHEADER_SEPARATE as of cURL 7.42.1, and CURLHEADER_UNIFIED before. Added in cURL 7.37.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE (default, lets CURL decide which version to use), CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 (forces HTTP/1.0), CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 (forces HTTP/1.1), CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 (attempts HTTP 2), CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2 (alias of CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0), CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS (attempts HTTP 2 over TLS (HTTPS) only) or CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE (issues non-TLS HTTP requests using HTTP/2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade).


The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see what methods it supports and pick the best one.



CURLOPT_INFILESIZE The expected size, in bytes, of the file when uploading a file to a remote site. Note that using this option will not stop libcurl from sending more data, as exactly what is sent depends on CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.
CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT The transfer speed, in bytes per second, that the transfer should be below during the count of CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME seconds before PHP considers the transfer too slow and aborts.
CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME The number of seconds the transfer speed should be below CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT before PHP considers the transfer too slow and aborts.
CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS The maximum amount of persistent connections that are allowed. When the limit is reached, the oldest one in the cache is closed to prevent increasing the number of open connections.
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS The maximum amount of HTTP redirections to follow. Use this option alongside CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION. Default value of 20 is set to prevent infinite redirects. Setting to -1 allows inifinite redirects, and 0 refuses all redirects.
CURLOPT_PORT An alternative port number to connect to.
CURLOPT_POSTREDIR A bitmask of 1 (301 Moved Permanently), 2 (302 Found) and 4 (303 See Other) if the HTTP POST method should be maintained when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is set and a specific type of redirect occurs. Added in cURL 7.19.1.

Bitmask of CURLPROTO_* values. If used, this bitmask limits what protocols libcurl may use in the transfer. This allows you to have a libcurl built to support a wide range of protocols but still limit specific transfers to only be allowed to use a subset of them. By default libcurl will accept all protocols it supports. See also CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS.


Added in cURL 7.19.4.
CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH The HTTP authentication method(s) to use for the proxy connection. Use the same bitmasks as described in CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH. For proxy authentication, only CURLAUTH_BASIC and CURLAUTH_NTLM are currently supported. Added in cURL 7.10.7.
CURLOPT_PROXYPORT The port number of the proxy to connect to. This port number can also be set in CURLOPT_PROXY.
CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS Bitmask of CURLPROTO_* values. If used, this bitmask limits what protocols libcurl may use in a transfer that it follows to in a redirect when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is enabled. This allows you to limit specific transfers to only be allowed to use a subset of protocols in redirections. By default libcurl will allow all protocols except for FILE and SCP. This is a difference compared to pre-7.19.4 versions which unconditionally would follow to all protocols supported. See also CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS for protocol constant values. Added in cURL 7.19.4.
CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM The offset, in bytes, to resume a transfer from.

The SOCKS5 authentication method(s) to use. The options are: CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLAUTH_GSSAPI, CURLAUTH_NONE.

The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see what methods it supports and pick the best one.

CURLAUTH_BASIC allows username/password authentication.

CURLAUTH_GSSAPI allows GSS-API authentication.

CURLAUTH_NONE allows no authentication.

Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC|CURLAUTH_GSSAPI. Set the actual username and password with the CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD option.

Available as of 7.3.0 and curl >= 7.55.0.
CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS Set SSL behavior options, which is a bitmask of any of the following constants: CURLSSLOPT_ALLOW_BEAST: do not attempt to use any workarounds for a security flaw in the SSL3 and TLS1.0 protocols. CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE: disable certificate revocation checks for those SSL backends where such behavior is present. Added in cURL 7.25.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST 2 to verify that a Common Name field or a Subject Alternate Name field in the SSL peer certificate matches the provided hostname. 0 to not check the names. 1 should not be used. In production environments the value of this option should be kept at 2 (default value). Support for value 1 removed in cURL 7.28.1.
CURLOPT_SSLVERSION One of CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT (0), CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1 (1), CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv2 (2), CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 (3), CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0 (4), CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1 (5) or CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2 (6). The maximum TLS version can be set by using one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_* constants. It is also possible to OR one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_* constants with one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_* constants. CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_DEFAULT (the maximum version supported by the library), CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_0, CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_1, CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_2, or CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_3.


Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default. Setting it to 2 or 3 is very dangerous given the known vulnerabilities in SSLv2 and SSLv3.

CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_OPTIONS Set proxy SSL behavior options, which is a bitmask of any of the following constants: CURLSSLOPT_ALLOW_BEAST: do not attempt to use any workarounds for a security flaw in the SSL3 and TLS1.0 protocols. CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE: disable certificate revocation checks for those SSL backends where such behavior is present. (curl >= 7.44.0) CURLSSLOPT_NO_PARTIALCHAIN: do not accept "partial" certificate chains, which it otherwise does by default. (curl >= 7.68.0) Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST Set to 2 to verify in the HTTPS proxy's certificate name fields against the proxy name. When set to 0 the connection succeeds regardless of the names used in the certificate. Use that ability with caution! 1 treated as a debug option in curl 7.28.0 and earlier. From curl 7.28.1 to 7.65.3 CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT is returned. From curl 7.66.0 onwards 1 and 2 is treated as the same value. In production environments the value of this option should be kept at 2 (default value). Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.


Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT which will attempt to figure out the remote SSL protocol version.

Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHT Set the numerical stream weight (a number between 1 and 256). Added in cURL 7.46.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE If set to 1, TCP keepalive probes will be sent. The delay and frequency of these probes can be controlled by the CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE and CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL options, provided the operating system supports them. If set to 0 (default) keepalive probes are disabled. Added in cURL 7.25.0.
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE Sets the delay, in seconds, that the operating system will wait while the connection is idle before sending keepalive probes, if CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE is enabled. Not all operating systems support this option. The default is 60. Added in cURL 7.25.0.
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL Sets the interval, in seconds, that the operating system will wait between sending keepalive probes, if CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE is enabled. Not all operating systems support this option. The default is 60. Added in cURL 7.25.0.
CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION How CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE is treated. Use CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE to return the page only if it has been modified since the time specified in CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE. If it hasn't been modified, a "304 Not Modified" header will be returned assuming CURLOPT_HEADER is true. Use CURL_TIMECOND_IFUNMODSINCE for the reverse effect. Use CURL_TIMECOND_NONE to ignore CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE and always return the page. CURL_TIMECOND_NONE is the default. Before cURL 7.46.0 the default was CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE.
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute.
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS The maximum number of milliseconds to allow cURL functions to execute. If libcurl is built to use the standard system name resolver, that portion of the connect will still use full-second resolution for timeouts with a minimum timeout allowed of one second. Added in cURL 7.16.2.
CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE The time in seconds since January 1st, 1970. The time will be used by CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION.
CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE_LARGE The time in seconds since January 1st, 1970. The time will be used by CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION. Defaults to zero. The difference between this option and CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE is the type of the argument. On systems where 'long' is only 32 bit wide, this option has to be used to set dates beyond the year 2038. Added in cURL 7.59.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0.
CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE If a download exceeds this speed (counted in bytes per second) on cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. Defaults to unlimited speed. Added in cURL 7.15.5.
CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE If an upload exceeds this speed (counted in bytes per second) on cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. Defaults to unlimited speed. Added in cURL 7.15.5.
CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE Allows an application to select what kind of IP addresses to use when resolving host names. This is only interesting when using host names that resolve addresses using more than one version of IP, possible values are CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6, by default CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER. Added in cURL 7.10.8.
CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD Tell curl which method to use to reach a file on a FTP(S) server. Possible values are CURLFTPMETHOD_MULTICWD, CURLFTPMETHOD_NOCWD and CURLFTPMETHOD_SINGLECWD. Added in cURL 7.15.1.

value should be a string for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to Notes
CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKET Enables the use of an abstract Unix domain socket instead of establishing a TCP connection to a host and sets the path to the given string. This option shares the same semantics as CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH. These two options share the same storage and therefore only one of them can be set per handle. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and cURL 7.53.0
CURLOPT_CAINFO The name of a file holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with. This only makes sense when used in combination with CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER. Might require an absolute path.
CURLOPT_CAPATH A directory that holds multiple CA certificates. Use this option alongside CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.
CURLOPT_COOKIE The contents of the "Cookie: " header to be used in the HTTP request. Note that multiple cookies are separated with a semicolon followed by a space (e.g., "fruit=apple; colour=red")
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE The name of the file containing the cookie data. The cookie file can be in Netscape format, or just plain HTTP-style headers dumped into a file. If the name is an empty string, no cookies are loaded, but cookie handling is still enabled.
CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR The name of a file to save all internal cookies to when the handle is closed, e.g. after a call to curl_close.
CURLOPT_COOKIELIST A cookie string (i.e. a single line in Netscape/Mozilla format, or a regular HTTP-style Set-Cookie header) adds that single cookie to the internal cookie store. "ALL" erases all cookies held in memory. "SESS" erases all session cookies held in memory. "FLUSH" writes all known cookies to the file specified by CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR. "RELOAD" loads all cookies from the files specified by CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE. Available since cURL 7.14.1.

A custom request method to use instead of "GET" or "HEAD" when doing a HTTP request. This is useful for doing "DELETE" or other, more obscure HTTP requests. Valid values are things like "GET", "POST", "CONNECT" and so on; i.e. Do not enter a whole HTTP request line here. For instance, entering "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" would be incorrect.


Don't do this without making sure the server supports the custom request method first.


The default protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name.

Added in cURL 7.45.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.

Set the name of the network interface that the DNS resolver should bind to. This must be an interface name (not an address).

Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.

Set the local IPv4 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument should contain a single numerical IPv4 address as a string.

Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.

Set the local IPv6 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument should contain a single numerical IPv6 address as a string.

Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET Like CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE, except a filename to an Entropy Gathering Daemon socket.
CURLOPT_ENCODING The contents of the "Accept-Encoding: " header. This enables decoding of the response. Supported encodings are "identity", "deflate", and "gzip". If an empty string, "", is set, a header containing all supported encoding types is sent. Added in cURL 7.10.
CURLOPT_FTPPORT The value which will be used to get the IP address to use for the FTP "PORT" instruction. The "PORT" instruction tells the remote server to connect to our specified IP address. The string may be a plain IP address, a hostname, a network interface name (under Unix), or just a plain '-' to use the systems default IP address.
CURLOPT_INTERFACE The name of the outgoing network interface to use. This can be an interface name, an IP address or a host name.
CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD The password required to use the CURLOPT_SSLKEY or CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE private key. Added in cURL 7.16.1.
CURLOPT_KRB4LEVEL The KRB4 (Kerberos 4) security level. Any of the following values (in order from least to most powerful) are valid: "clear", "safe", "confidential", "private".. If the string does not match one of these, "private" is used. Setting this option to null will disable KRB4 security. Currently KRB4 security only works with FTP transactions.
CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS Can be used to set protocol specific login options, such as the preferred authentication mechanism via "AUTH=NTLM" or "AUTH=*", and should be used in conjunction with the CURLOPT_USERNAME option. Added in cURL 7.34.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY Set the pinned public key. The string can be the file name of your pinned public key. The file format expected is "PEM" or "DER". The string can also be any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by "sha256//" and separated by ";". Added in cURL 7.39.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS The full data to post in a HTTP "POST" operation. This parameter can either be passed as a urlencoded string like 'para1=val1&para2=val2&...' or as an array with the field name as key and field data as value. If value is an array, the Content-Type header will be set to multipart/form-data. Files can be sent using CURLFile or CURLStringFile, in which case value must be an array.
CURLOPT_PRIVATE Any data that should be associated with this cURL handle. This data can subsequently be retrieved with the CURLINFO_PRIVATE option of curl_getinfo(). cURL does nothing with this data. When using a cURL multi handle, this private data is typically a unique key to identify a standard cURL handle. Added in cURL 7.10.3.
CURLOPT_PRE_PROXY Set a string holding the host name or dotted numerical IP address to be used as the preproxy that curl connects to before it connects to the HTTP(S) proxy specified in the CURLOPT_PROXY option for the upcoming request. The preproxy can only be a SOCKS proxy and it should be prefixed with [scheme]:// to specify which kind of socks is used. A numerical IPv6 address must be written within [brackets]. Setting the preproxy to an empty string explicitly disables the use of a preproxy. To specify port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. The proxy's port number may optionally be specified with the separate option CURLOPT_PROXYPORT. Defaults to using port 1080 for proxies if a port is not specified. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY The HTTP proxy to tunnel requests through.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME The proxy authentication service name. Added in cURL 7.43.0 for HTTP proxies, and in cURL 7.49.0 for SOCKS5 proxies. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO The path to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle. Set the path as a string naming a file holding one or more certificates to verify the HTTPS proxy with. This option is for connecting to an HTTPS proxy, not an HTTPS server. Defaults set to the system path where libcurl's cacert bundle is assumed to be stored. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH The directory holding multiple CA certificates to verify the HTTPS proxy with. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILE Set the file name with the concatenation of CRL (Certificate Revocation List) in PEM format to use in the certificate validation that occurs during the SSL exchange. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWD Set the string be used as the password required to use the CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY private key. You never needed a passphrase to load a certificate but you need one to load your private key. This option is for connecting to an HTTPS proxy, not an HTTPS server. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEY Set the pinned public key for HTTPS proxy. The string can be the file name of your pinned public key. The file format expected is "PEM" or "DER". The string can also be any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by "sha256//" and separated by ";" Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT The file name of your client certificate used to connect to the HTTPS proxy. The default format is "P12" on Secure Transport and "PEM" on other engines, and can be changed with CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE. With NSS or Secure Transport, this can also be the nickname of the certificate you wish to authenticate with as it is named in the security database. If you want to use a file from the current directory, please precede it with "./" prefix, in order to avoid confusion with a nickname. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE The format of your client certificate used when connecting to an HTTPS proxy. Supported formats are "PEM" and "DER", except with Secure Transport. OpenSSL (versions 0.9.3 and later) and Secure Transport (on iOS 5 or later, or OS X 10.7 or later) also support "P12" for PKCS#12-encoded files. Defaults to "PEM". Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST The list of ciphers to use for the connection to the HTTPS proxy. The list must be syntactically correct, it consists of one or more cipher strings separated by colons. Commas or spaces are also acceptable separators but colons are normally used, !, - and + can be used as operators. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERS The list of cipher suites to use for the TLS 1.3 connection to a proxy. The list must be syntactically correct, it consists of one or more cipher suite strings separated by colons. This option is currently used only when curl is built to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later. If you are using a different SSL backend you can try setting TLS 1.3 cipher suites by using the CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST option. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.61.0. Available when built with OpenSSL >= 1.1.1.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY The file name of your private key used for connecting to the HTTPS proxy. The default format is "PEM" and can be changed with CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE. (iOS and Mac OS X only) This option is ignored if curl was built against Secure Transport. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0. Available if built TLS enabled.
CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE The format of your private key. Supported formats are "PEM", "DER" and "ENG". Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD The password to use for the TLS authentication method specified with the CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE option. Requires that the CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME option to also be set. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE The method of the TLS authentication used for the HTTPS connection. Supported method is "SRP".


Secure Remote Password (SRP) authentication for TLS provides mutual authentication if both sides have a shared secret. To use TLS-SRP, you must also set the CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME and CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD options.

Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME The username to use for the HTTPS proxy TLS authentication method specified with the CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE option. Requires that the CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD option to also be set. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.52.0.
CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD A username and password formatted as "[username]:[password]" to use for the connection to the proxy.
CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE A filename to be used to seed the random number generator for SSL.
CURLOPT_RANGE Range(s) of data to retrieve in the format "X-Y" where X or Y are optional. HTTP transfers also support several intervals, separated with commas in the format "X-Y,N-M".
CURLOPT_REFERER The contents of the "Referer: " header to be used in a HTTP request.
CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME The authentication service name. Added in cURL 7.43.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5 A string containing 32 hexadecimal digits. The string should be the MD5 checksum of the remote host's public key, and libcurl will reject the connection to the host unless the md5sums match. This option is only for SCP and SFTP transfers. Added in cURL 7.17.1.
CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE The file name for your public key. If not used, libcurl defaults to $HOME/.ssh/ if the HOME environment variable is set, and just "" in the current directory if HOME is not set. Added in cURL 7.16.1.
CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE The file name for your private key. If not used, libcurl defaults to $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa if the HOME environment variable is set, and just "id_dsa" in the current directory if HOME is not set. If the file is password-protected, set the password with CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD. Added in cURL 7.16.1.
CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST A list of ciphers to use for SSL. For example, RC4-SHA and TLSv1 are valid cipher lists.
CURLOPT_SSLCERT The name of a file containing a PEM formatted certificate.
CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD The password required to use the CURLOPT_SSLCERT certificate.
CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE The format of the certificate. Supported formats are "PEM" (default), "DER", and "ENG". As of OpenSSL 0.9.3, "P12" (for PKCS#12-encoded files) is also supported. Added in cURL 7.9.3.
CURLOPT_SSLENGINE The identifier for the crypto engine of the private SSL key specified in CURLOPT_SSLKEY.
CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT The identifier for the crypto engine used for asymmetric crypto operations.
CURLOPT_SSLKEY The name of a file containing a private SSL key.

The secret password needed to use the private SSL key specified in CURLOPT_SSLKEY.


Since this option contains a sensitive password, remember to keep the PHP script it is contained within safe.

CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE The key type of the private SSL key specified in CURLOPT_SSLKEY. Supported key types are "PEM" (default), "DER", and "ENG".
CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERS The list of cipher suites to use for the TLS 1.3 connection. The list must be syntactically correct, it consists of one or more cipher suite strings separated by colons. This option is currently used only when curl is built to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later. If you are using a different SSL backend you can try setting TLS 1.3 cipher suites by using the CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST option. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl >= cURL 7.61.0. Available when built with OpenSSL >= 1.1.1.
CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH Enables the use of Unix domain sockets as connection endpoint and sets the path to the given string. Added in cURL 7.40.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_URL The URL to fetch. This can also be set when initializing a session with curl_init().
CURLOPT_USERAGENT The contents of the "User-Agent: " header to be used in a HTTP request.
CURLOPT_USERNAME The user name to use in authentication. Added in cURL 7.19.1.
CURLOPT_PASSWORD The password to use in authentication. Added in cURL 7.19.1.
CURLOPT_USERPWD A username and password formatted as "[username]:[password]" to use for the connection.
CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER Specifies the OAuth 2.0 access token. Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.

value should be an array for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to Notes
CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO Connect to a specific host and port instead of the URL's host and port. Accepts an array of strings with the format HOST:PORT:CONNECT-TO-HOST:CONNECT-TO-PORT. Added in cURL 7.49.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES An array of HTTP 200 responses that will be treated as valid responses and not as errors. Added in cURL 7.10.3.
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER An array of HTTP header fields to set, in the format array('Content-type: text/plain', 'Content-length: 100')
CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE An array of FTP commands to execute on the server after the FTP request has been performed.
CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER An array of custom HTTP headers to pass to proxies. Added in cURL 7.37.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7.
CURLOPT_QUOTE An array of FTP commands to execute on the server prior to the FTP request.
CURLOPT_RESOLVE Provide a custom address for a specific host and port pair. An array of hostname, port, and IP address strings, each element separated by a colon. In the format: array("") Added in cURL 7.21.3.

value should be a stream resource (using fopen(), for example) for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to
CURLOPT_FILE The file that the transfer should be written to. The default is STDOUT (the browser window).
CURLOPT_INFILE The file that the transfer should be read from when uploading.
CURLOPT_STDERR An alternative location to output errors to instead of STDERR.
CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER The file that the header part of the transfer is written to.

value should be the name of a valid function or a Closure for the following values of the option parameter:

Option Set value to
CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION A callback accepting two parameters. The first is the cURL resource, the second is a string with the header data to be written. The header data must be written by this callback. Return the number of bytes written.
CURLOPT_PASSWDFUNCTION A callback accepting three parameters. The first is the cURL resource, the second is a string containing a password prompt, and the third is the maximum password length. Return the string containing the password.

A callback accepting five parameters. The first is the cURL resource, the second is the total number of bytes expected to be downloaded in this transfer, the third is the number of bytes downloaded so far, the fourth is the total number of bytes expected to be uploaded in this transfer, and the fifth is the number of bytes uploaded so far.


The callback is only called when the CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS option is set to false.

Return a non-zero value to abort the transfer. In which case, the transfer will set a CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK error.

CURLOPT_READFUNCTION A callback accepting three parameters. The first is the cURL resource, the second is a stream resource provided to cURL through the option CURLOPT_INFILE, and the third is the maximum amount of data to be read. The callback must return a string with a length equal or smaller than the amount of data requested, typically by reading it from the passed stream resource. It should return an empty string to signal EOF.
CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION A callback accepting two parameters. The first is the cURL resource, and the second is a string with the data to be written. The data must be saved by this callback. It must return the exact number of bytes written or the transfer will be aborted with an error.
CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION A callback accepting two parameters. Has a similar purpose as CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION but is more modern and the preferred option from cURL. Added in 7.32.0. Available as of PHP 8.2.0.

Other values:

Option Set value to
CURLOPT_SHARE A result of curl_share_init(). Makes the cURL handle to use the data from the shared handle.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Version Description
8.0.0 handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected.
7.3.15, 7.4.3 Introduced CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED .


Example #1 Initializing a new cURL session and fetching a web page

// create a new cURL resource
$ch curl_init();

// set URL and other appropriate options

// grab URL and pass it to the browser

// close cURL resource, and free up system resources



Passing an array to CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS will encode the data as multipart/form-data, while passing a URL-encoded string will encode the data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

See Also